Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time Flies When You Have No Sleep

I was laying awake the other night wondering about all sorts of things when an idea popped into my head. Anyone who has been pregnant knows that for some reason people LOVE to tell you their horror story. It's rare that someone comes up with something positive. It's "I couldn't see my feet" or "I didn't have ankles. I had feet and then tree stumps" and of course the fisherman tale "I was cut THIS BIG". Here's my idea: women don't do this to be cruel - it's a way of saying "I've had all this happen to me and I  survived - you will too!". Kind of a crappy way to say it but I think the love is there. I hope I have been positive to all my buddies out there... you are all beautiful and I can't wait to see the little ones!

On another note Eloise is now 4 months old! Happy Birthday baby girl!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The beginning...

Behold - The Rasco's are now blogging. Watch out virtual world. Both Jeremy and I will be getting on here to express our feelings and update on what is going on in our little world.

Maybe this way we don't have to call you guys anymore - you can just look online and know we are still alive. Think of all the time I am saving you by not exchanging pleasantries.You can thank me virtually in the comment section below. :) Darn it, I don't mean for that to come across as rude. Bad thing about blogging - you can't hear my tone to know if I am joking or not. I guess the little sideways happy face will have to tell you my tone...

So anywho - here we are. On the web. Just do us a favor and don't read our blog in your underwear.
